I was recently browsing a new blog that I've found http://annieandthemannequinsvintage.blogspot.com and they did a post about mood changing nail varnish and mood rings. This took me back to my childhood, I'm sure many of you, can relate to the mood rings from your childhood. So i was inspired and started searching for mood changing nail varnish's here's a few images i found;
http://media.onsugar.com/files/2010/04/14/2/192/1922153/a9931bdf5419cddf_clair_s-mood-nail-polish.jpg |
You can buy these nail varnish's from www.claires.com they have a variable range of colours for purchase. I cant wait to try some :)
Look at all these beautiful fun colours from http://themoodpolish.com/
http://furcoatnoknickers.files.wordpress.com/2011/04/in-the-mood-nail-varnish.jpg |
http://freenewfashiondesign.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/04/In-The-Mood-nail-polish-colors-change.jpg |
Isn't this just fab:) I want some!!!!
They change colour according to your body temperature wow :)
Through my search i then stumbled across mood changing lipstick haha!!
These are buy urban outfitters, I cant say that these look the most desirable colours but what the heck they look fun.
http://www.refinery29.com/urban-outfitters-beauty-gets-in-the-mood-with-five-color-changing-lipsticks | | | | | | | |
http://cdn2.mixrmedia.com/wp-uploads/flauntme/blog/2010/03/toofacedmoodswing.jpg | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
This lip gloss is by too faced , look to see what happens...
http://www.ladiesgadgets.com/mood-swing-lip-gloss-changes-color-based-on-your-moods/ |
http://www.ladiesgadgets.com/mood-swing-lip-gloss-changes-color-based-on-your-moods/ |
This is not a review, obviously i can't say whether they work or not as I've not tried any of these products but id like to think they do!